
Evelyn had never been in a healthy loving relationship with a man. She took on the practice of aligning herself energetically with her own Inner Guidance system. With her vibration raised and in a steady flow of feeling joyful, a strong impulse came to her one day to redecorate her living space. Evelyn had the inspired idea to go to the local nursery to buy some beautiful indoor plants of her liking. Divinely guided, the owner of the nursery John, struck up a conversation with her. She was in the “right place, at the right time” guided by her alignment with her Inner Being. Evelyn finally attracted a man with it all, who matched her true desire of a loving, loyal mate. The rest is history, they are living happily ever after. Not knowingly, they had lived within a few blocks of each other for the last 20 years!

Maria and Christoph

Maria and Christoph had been married for 7 years and they found their communication had become increasingly negative, blaming and squabbling over small things everyday. They knew they were committed to each other, yet they were fighting more than ever. The couple began ignoring the issue and were on a path of destroying their relationship. Frustration and resignation about anything changing was beginning to set in, and they worried about the effect the arguing was having on their children. Maria remembered what she learned in the movie The Secret, about the Law of Attraction and how “like energy attracts like energy”. She was exhausted and decided that since she had no control over others, she was going to shift the way she felt. Maria threw herself into practicing alignment and the Law of Attraction. Over time, Maria became the experience of love for herself energetically that she wanted for her marriage. After a few months, her husband noticed she was more relaxed and naturally became more loving and attentive to Maria’s needs and desires. Their communication became more loving, direct and understanding. Their non-existent sex life sparked and flooded them with the passion they once felt all over again. So changed by his experience of joy thanks to Maria’s shift in energy, Christoph booked a dream vacation for the family to Italy. Their love continues to grow and deepen as they approach 13 years of marriage. 

Whether you are married, single or navigating a split, you can benefit from learning how to tune into the frequency of love.. Sorting out yourself, blocks and triggers will provide you with a toolset for success. It’s a trap to think we know someone and there is no room for growth and evolution of the relationship. Love is an odyssey, a journey for increasing understanding, and re-creating a truly loving relationship. If you are not already in a relationship, you are getting the tip-top, best training on how to navigate and develop your next relationship with love, passion, honesty and integrity right from the beginning. 

Some of the most essential steps are removing negative patterns from the past to make sure they are not roadblocks to your success in love next time around. There is no other better time to work out your “stuff” then before your most quality, compatible mate walks into your life. If you’ve suffered a break-up, let’s get those lessons complete so they are not dragged into your next love opportunity. No time like the present!  You will not be alone, we will sort it out together.

Book a complimentary clarity call

$197 value!

I invite you to connect with me on a complimentary Rock Your Love Life™ Clarity Call. Together we will explore how I can best support you in your quest for a solid, high-flying vibration love life. This call is 30 minutes long. We can assess where you feel you are vibrationally and create what it feels like to have it! This call, valued at $197 will get you on the road to living and loving with clarity!



  • Where are you right now in your energetic offering, your beliefs? 
  • What are the challenges you are facing with love relationships?
  • What do you desire in the areas of love, health and prosperity?


  • We are a team! In our coaching sessions you will feel heard, understood and supported.
  • We will shave years off your learning curve, so you get your desired results pronto!


  • You’ll be presented with unique perspectives you may not have considered and new possibilities will be popping like hot cakes!
  • You will improve your ability to FEEL your way to your desires as if they are here now.
  • Together we will create a new empowering point of attraction for you to naturally attract the love life, well being and prosperity that is waiting for you to allow it in.


  • You are going to have a shift in who you are, so that you are intentionally tuned into your energy with clarity before taking action. This new aligned action will quantum leap you into the love, health and prosperous life you know is your birthright.
  • As you become good at pointing at things you desire and manifesting them, we will get you ready for your next level of expansion!

results from your commitment

If you are in a committed relationship

Your energy alignment practice and utilization of your Inner Guidance System will give you the clarity and focus to recreate the relationship of your dreams based on the new Higher Self version of you. As you focus on how you want to feel and demonstrate your happiness, as a result of your innerwork, others will be inspired and reflect back to you your unconditional love 10 fold.

If you are single

You will clearly identify what has not worked for you and recreate how you want to feel inside a committed love relationship with your new premium standard. Having committed to a daily alignment practice, you will be radiating a consistent blissful love vibration that draws high quality partners organically, just by being your true, authentic self.