I’ve been there and I understand the pain that you’re going through.

I’ve experienced two long term relationships of 8 years plus, been heartbroken and at a low point, and been single for 8 years. I’ve felt the struggle of not being open to attracting a loving relationship and felt the resignation of dating all the wrong men! Meanwhile, not knowing how I was getting in my own way the whole time! Together we can remove the roadblocks to your love success!

About Me

I’ve been there.

I’ve felt the pain of being in a long term relationship which completely lacked honest, straight communication. Not knowing what was missing or what to do about it, left me feeling completely helpless to save my relationship. Instead, we had safe arguments about “the dishes”, as if that had anything to do with why the relationship was falling apart. I tried reading self-help books by leading therapists desperate to find some answers to no avail. I could not see “the forest beyond the trees” inside my relationship. I felt alone, resigned and powerless until I had a major breakthrough in a communication course about how I viewed myself in the relationship.

So there I was,  focusing on all that was wrong and not working in my relationship. I felt resigned, yet determined to fix it. You can imagine the energetic offering I was putting out. Not fun. My life revolved around his, instead of nurturing me and relying on myself to provide my own happiness..it was his job. Well, that didn’t work out very well for either of us!  We often give up taking care of ourselves and conveniently put the pressure on our significant other to make us happy. In addition, we put all of our energy into taking care of others and we starve ourselves of basic rest and self-care. Not a way to be in a loving relationship. Hello, my foundation was missing! It was also convenient that it was mostly his fault and not mine. Well, most of us have realized it takes two to tango. However, being able to see what it’s like to be with us as a partner clearly, is another story.

Right here, Right Now.

You can do something about the stagnation and lack of communication in your relationship and it begins with you! You have the power to transform your love into the relationship you have longed for and it starts right here, right now by owning it.

That’s Where I Come In.
I’ve got YOU! The pain stops here. It’s okay and it’s all work-outable!

Being in a long term love relationship or marriage requires excellent communication. Knowing yourself and your partner is essential to understand how to most effectively communicate your truths. First and foremost we are practicing energy alignment so that the love and the positive aspects of your love life, well-being and prosperity are at the forefront. The goal is to shift out of the negative focus and into what you truly desire. For example, whether you’re in a relationship or single, who you are BEING in a relationship, will determine how amazing your relationship is. If you know how to prioritize how you want to feel and what you desire in your love life you can create and have it. Most people are not aware that it is all in their power and that happiness is an inside job. Most are afraid and focused on avoiding what they don’t want and expecting it. That focus is what keeps it coming, Law of Attraction doesn’t care if it’s wanted or unwanted. This is huge and where most people stay their entire lives, wanting but never having. That’s where I can help guide you to untangle the knots in thoughts, emotions and what you are giving your attention to. When you are on a journey of authentic alignment with who you really are, unconditional love of self and others you are emanating a “frequency of love”. This empowered connection to your Inner Being/Soul or Source Energy is where all of the juice is! Being highly trained in communication and transformation there are sometimes a need to get complete on issues that have arisen, I can help free you to have those difficult conversations. This is crucial to keeping relationships loving, if we don’t acknowledge it, we can’t breakthrough and transform it. We need to take a good honest look at what we don’t want in order to know what we do want. I also do not believe in dwelling in the past. I believe in order to keep a relationship fresh and open we must always strive for a deeper understanding of ourselves and our partner to move forward successfully. Asking yourself, “why do I behave the way I do and why does he/she?” can bring light and love to a situation that quickly can become a solution. The more we commit to understand and re-discover our partner on-goingly…the more space for renewal and rising passion in our love life.

While using powerful proven relationship strategies, my method requires energetic alignment by focusing on how you want to FEEL. This is the source of how to create the love you desire…to become it. Energetic alignment practices will allow you to become the creator of your highest love. Whether you are in a relationship or looking for one, now is the time to begin tending to your desires and getting to know your “Inner Being or Inner Guidance System” so that you can align your energy with your desires, get there quickly, while having fun.  This “Inner Being” part of us offers guidance, if we can allow ourselves to trust it and feel into it. We are meant to feel good and be happy in life, and in order to do that you’ve got to clean up your vibration!

 It would be fantastic to have your partner join the conversation with us, but it is not necessary to make real lasting change right now! Together, we can identify all of the disempowering behaviors and the toxic mindset YOU’VE been automatically engaging in and substitute them with a loving and passionate skillset. By caring more about how YOU WANT TO FEEL and doing the inner work, YOU will naturally shift and draw to you your highest vibration equivalent. One 5-15 minute habit at a time, we will reintroduce hope, love and create real connection that will breathe new life into your marriage or if you’re single, magnetize “the One ” you’ve been envisioning.

my success story

Marriage to my husband Dimitri in 2011

Turns out, I was getting in my own way for years!

 The thirteenth year of marriage to the love of my life is here! The best practice of all has been living it. What I know for sure, is that loving communication is the lifeblood of a happy and fulfilled couple. Seeing each other fully as individuals with unique personalities and needs naturally aligns a couple as a strong union. Never before, had I ever experienced how important that was until I found Dimitri. And believe me, it was a long, solitary, lonely rocky road to get there. I don’t want that for you! 

    Attracting “safe” and unavailable, incompatible partners over and over was exhausting and unfulfilling. The good news is, It begins and ends with you!  I don’t want you to have to navigate disappointment and hurt on your own. In committed relationships well, too easily can miscommunication left unresolved lead us down a destructive road that ends relationships. Save precious time, don’t let that happen to you. I’m here to listen and help you find your way to the love you’ve always wanted. In my current relationship I practice what I teach and it works consistently without fail! 

One of the most impactful acts of being truly loving to me, means never really believing you know your partner.

 Being forever open and curious to deeply understand and connect, keeps love flowing in the relationship. For instance, my Dimitri, he’s Greek and I’m American. The ways that we express anger are completely different!  For the first few years of our relationship, I never understood what it was like to be fully self-expressed while angry. I was raised to believe it was not a good thing to “let loose” in anger and it looked bad. Later, I realized the alternative was a really suppressed state. Not being able to express myself and holding it really just hurt me in the end. When I saw Dimitri get angry over what I thought were little things I thought, “why is he getting so worked up over this?”. Well, I didn’t really understand it culturally until I lived in Greece for 2 years…

My Epiphany

I had an epiphany one morning after being awakened by my extended Greek family yelling, at what I thought to be a huge fight. I jumped up thinking there was some kind of crisis happening and asked what was going on. Come to find out, they were disagreeing on how to cut and clean the vegetables for the day’s meal! Why? Because they love each other deeply and care for the meal to be its absolute best. This communication breakthrough allowed me to understand that I was mistaking my Greek husband’s passion and care for anger! It really set me free, when I could give myself more room to say what there was to say, instead of keeping it stuffed down in a super toxic way. I have a whole new relationship with expressing myself. This often includes waving my hands around…it’s called passion and full self-expression! And it feels fantastic…so freeing!  

Often our cultural differences are not understood in our love relationships and they can come across as triggers of the unknown. Being able to identify and articulate what the upset is truly about underneath, that’s the balancing act which produces loving, good feeling connection.

By caring about your alignment while interacting with your mate, this becomes exciting and develops curiosity…if you will just allow your partner to be just as he/she is and you just as you are.

Being Committed

Balancing your emotions, raising your vibration and keeping yourself more and more in alignment with the part of you that is your “Inner Being or Inner Guidance System”  over time, will allow your resistant and old ways to shift.

 We all have to commit to grow and expand if we want our relationship to thrive. If you want real transformation in your love life, it must begin with YOU. Emotions are the feedback to your state of alignment with Source Energy. You can’t get rid of emotions, but we can balance them. We need the contrasting information of what we don’t want, in order to discover what we really do want. Balancing your emotions, raising your vibration and keeping yourself more and more in alignment with your Source Energy over time, will allow your resistance and old ways to shift. In other words, caring about how you feel moment to moment becomes your source of power. Relationships become easier, as you stand solidly in your loving space of alignment. From this empowered place, you can create the relationship of your dreams. The energy flows easily as what you offer energetically, is always attracted back to you. You just need to bring the best of yourself to the relationship. Falling into a complacent fixed place of negativity is destructive for both of you and leads to break-ups.

Working with the practices of self-love and energetic alignment allow you to be in an empowered state. When you are connected to Source Energy or your Inner Guidance System (Soul), you naturally attract your desired love. It takes time and persistence to know the experience of being in alignment. 

Let me help you shorten the gap!

Once you see the results, day after day…you will understand the true power of attraction as you’ve had it all along. You just need to own it, by practicing it from a self-loving perspective rather than a fearful or self-judgmental viewpoint.

While you are feeling yourself into alignment, you can do the important work of re-discovering what your needs and wants are in a love relationship. Transcend fear and be able to openly communicate your desires with your partner or a potential one. What are his/her needs and wants and what are yours? Knowing how you and your partner best communicate and keeping yourself in energetic alignment are key. Coming from this high vibration core energy will bring passion and positive energy. When you come from your heart space, effectively communicating your desires, values, and dreams is so free and easy!

What future are you living into? Where would you like to be next year, 5 years or 10 years from now? Who are you as a couple in the world? Establish your energy and watch the Law of Attraction bring it right to you. Getting excited and being in alignment right now, allows you to relax and enjoy the ride.

Let me help guide you to the experience of alignment and watch your love life bloom into the love you’ve always wanted and deserve!

my experience

I bring all of my experience, years of coaching, practice in the art of communication and energetic work as a healing arts practitioner to my expertise as the Love Frequency™Coach. Quality relationship shifts take time and practice. First, this begins with tuning your energetic vibration within yourself. When operating from a high loving vibrational offering your relationships shift naturally.  However, whatever you present energetically (positive or negative), so you attract the same. I use Law of Attraction alignment practices along with all of my relationship expertise. As a highly trained Passion Patterns™ Coach, I can teach you how to activate these simple yet truly amazingly powerful strategies in your love life. It’s about communication, listening and being self-expressed. Energetic alignment and skilled communication take practice. Self-love is at the core, it is like building the muscle of authentic, productive, full self-expression. The small practices, 5 and 15 minute per day habits over time that create long lasting transformation in this most sacred area of life, LOVE. This commitment of time and nurturing to yourself and your dream relationship will reap magical intimacy, connection and trust. The three areas that we focus on in my programs are love life, well being and prosperity. When you understand and know how to apply, tune and flow at the love frequency, the universe delivers all that you desire, because you have learned how to tune into it and allow it ALL in! 

Since discovering the movie, “The Secret” in 2006, I’ve immersed myself in the understanding of energy and Law of Attraction. On my own journey, I have experienced the ups and downs that I now see that I attracted with my vibrational offering. My passion is being an uplifter for others to discover their power as creators of their own reality in love, well being and prosperity. The Law of Attraction is not what most of us were taught growing up.  Although we came into this world and practiced pure, positive energy as babies and young children. As we grew older, the negative automatic programming from well-intentioned parents and teachers convinced us that what we wanted was too hard to attain or even that it wasn’t possible at all. Words don’t teach, experience does. That’s why I created my programs to teach how to get clear about what you want, by being intentional with what you give your attention to. Only then can you line up your energy and then effectively follow it up with action. My mission is to demonstrate and mentor how to re-discover and tune to the vibration of what they really desire and have it show up in their experience. By providing a safe container of love and support, participants will practice the inner work to deconstruct negative, limiting belief systems and replace them with empowering, quantum leap power belief systems, so that they can harness the power of deliberate creation in three major life areas: love, well being and prosperity. 

I received my training under the wise leadership of Magali & Mark Peysha at The Coaching Institute. I am highly trained in their Passion Patterns™ strategies for couples. Strategies for all areas of the marriage and/or the kind of relationship you want to attract. In this tradition, we use meditation and visualization techniques to integrate the work we have done in our coaching sessions with the bodymind energetic. 

I received my Master’s degree in Acupuncture from Tri-State College of New York in 2009 and have practiced for 11 years. Prior to acupuncture, I practiced Chinese medicine as an Asian Bodywork/ShiatsuTherapist for 8 years. Combined experience in the healing arts about 20 years and within that time received a nutritionist degree from the American Health University. Studying nutrition, food and healthy living has been a lifestyle for over 30 years. 

My interest in the mind and relationships became influential from the get-go! I received my Bachelor of Science in both Psychology & Women’s Studies from Towson University in 1996. My specialty is coming from a woman’s perspective and all that it brings to a conversation.

I served an apprenticeship for one year with Elena Avila, RN,MSN Curandera/Aztec Traditional Healing and Integrative medicine. Listening to people’s pain and providing coaching around their hardest life challenges is a skill I cultivated on a higher level in this community of women. Individual and group sessions are integrated into my coaching practice.

I completed a 2 year mentorship with Kari Noren-Hoshal of Vision Quest Astrology program. My love and curiosity for the compatibility between signs or personality types is a strength that I can bring to understand the dynamics within a love relationship.

Also influential to my work was my service for Amazon Promise Medical Expeditions. This organization provided treatment and health education to villages in the Peruvian Amazon and highlands of northern Peru. There I provided Asian bodywork techniques to patients along side allopathic doctors/nurses as well as a Peruvian shaman!

Over the course of 10 years I practiced coaching others and being “coachable” as a recipient. I completed a year and a half program that focused purely on communication between team members and leaders. Being able to get to the root of the human experience is a skill that I developed inside these intensives and discovered so much about myself. Fifteen years later, as a love coach, I have continued to use this knowledge from these programs. The most important communication skill of all, is how to be an extraordinary listener!

  • Self-Expression & Leadership
  • Communication Access To Power
  • Communication, Power and Performance
  • Team Management and Leadership.