Eva Gregory on Aligning Your Energy to Create Lasting Success

Sometimes the biggest breakthroughs come when you stop focusing on problems and start aligning with your inner guidance. Join me as I welcome Eva Gregory, an Intuitive Business Catalyst and my mentor, who shares her inspiring journey from financial struggles to abundance through the power of the Law of Attraction, journaling, and vibrational alignment. You’ll learn how to shift your focus from scarcity to possibility, tap into your higher self, and use journaling as a powerful tool for clarity and manifestation. If you’re ready to stop living on autopilot and start creating your dream life with intention, this episode is your guide to transformation.

Download your FREE How To Journal Your Way To The Life & Business Of Your Dreams Planner and take the first step toward living your best life! – https://evagregory.lpages.co/journal-planner/

About the Guest:

Eva Gregory, Intuitive Success Catalyst

Eva is the business whisperer for women who transforms “someday” dreams into “look at me now!” reality.

As a guide for coaches and spiritual entrepreneurs, she illuminates the path to abundant success by helping them release what no longer serves them. When she’s not teaching women how to turn their inner wisdom into outer wealth, she’s showing them how it’s never too late to open the gateway to their highest potential.

Think of her as your GPS to success – helping you clear the energy blocks while tuning into your spiritual navigation system! As the mastermind behind the Enlightened Business Success Academy, she’s the guiding light behind several six-figure success stories, proving that you can build a prosperous business at any age while keeping your Soul happy (and your heart light).

Fair warning: Side effects of working with Eva may include unstoppable confidence, breakthrough moments that rewrite your story, and the freedom to thrive like never before.







About the Host:

Carla Salteris, the High Vibe Life Mentor™, is a healer, self-love and energetic alignment coach for Midlife women. She empowers women to ditch their baggage and revamp their reality in midlife, by focusing on their connection with their inner guidance system. She has an extensive and diverse background as a transformational coach, energy healer (including as an Acupuncturist, Shiatsu Therapist and practitioner of other indigenous medical systems). With over 23 years of experience, Carla mentors women on how to become their own healer, the lover of themselves first…body, mind and soul. Standing in deep self-love, her clients connect and embody the Higher Self version of themselves that effortlessly attracts all their desires. A brand new reality is created, one full of possibility where intuition awakens and a new soul fulfilling midlife story can then become manifest. 

Connect with Carla:

Book Your Complimentary Call with Carla: https://carlasalteris.com/clarity-call/






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Carla Salteris:

Well, hello, hello. Welcome to The Midlife Rewrite. I have the wonderful Eva Gregory here with me today. I'm so excited because she's a personal mentor of mine, and she is intuitive business whisperer.She is wonderful. She's a go to spiritual leader that has really transformed my life, and I just wanted to share her with everyone. So she's my premier guest, Eva. Welcome to the show. Thank you for coming.

Eva Gregory:

Thank you for having me. I feel so honored doing this together. Thank you

Carla Salteris:

so I wanted to share your journey has been nothing short of extraordinary. You know, you had faced the brink of bankruptcy in your software business, and then you leveraged using inner guidance and the law of attraction to lead to successfully selling it for seven figures and then launching this whole new world of coaching. At the age of 46 you became a business coach, which is like, amazing. Can you take us back to the pivotal moment and share like, how you tapped into that inner guidance to create such a remarkable shift for yourself, like, in my life,

Eva Gregory:

absolutely and of course, you know that this is everything I do. This is my passion, ever since that happened, but this happened back in another lifetime, where Robin, my other half and I had a software company and like it was, it was leaking money like crazy. And for over five years, we were in action, action, action, doing, doing, doing all the supposedly right things, right. We were looking for people to back us up to launch our program. We had patented it. But, you know, cash is king. I don't care if you've got something patent, patented or trademarked or what. Okay, and so we started laying off staff. We couldn't pay ourselves so we could pay the crew that was there. I mean, morale was non existent. Creditors were after us. Personally, they were after us in the business, you can imagine, like our stress level was through the roof, and this was faster. I had learned about law of attraction, okay? Because here's the thing, and this is what I've learned. You either know law of attraction or you know of it, and that's two different things, right? Knowing it is very different. I knew of it. I thought I knew it. And, yeah, it was really easy to use on the little stuff, right when it came to the important, big stuff. Then, like, the business, it was, like, I threw everything I knew about law of attraction out the window, and I went right back into my old mode of operation. And so that's what we can tend to do okay. And one of the things I did, I did is I used to, I would wake up in the middle of the night and I would be having these panic attacks about what was going on in the business. And of course, when you if you go, I'm assuming everybody who's listening to you understands what law of attraction is, you know. So I don't know if we need to I think that or not, yeah. But you know, basically whatever you put your focus, energy and attention on, you are going to attract and get more of it in your life. And where I put the emphasis is, it's like your thoughts, of the engine, your emotions, or the fuel that's that's going to attract whatever it is you're getting in your life. So where had been my focus all this time, not enough money, not meeting payroll, can't pay our bills, not making sales, fear of being evicted in the company, fear of being evicted in my apartment at the time, right? And then one night, about three in the morning, that magical three in the morning, right? I woke up and for this time, it was different, and I got this message and said, Eva, you understand law of attraction, and you're not walking your talk, right? And it was true, because all my focus had been on everything that I didn't want, everything I was afraid of. Okay? And so I just kept dipping into the scarcity and the not enough. And so I finally, you know, the message I got was stop all the action, like we had hired people to, you know, gurus and all of that, but they said, Stop, they that's my inner guidance, right? That I'm referring to, stop all the action that we've been taken and focus on shifting the energy in the company, starting with me. And so I listened and I trusted and I took this process into the company which we played. It was called our prosperity account, and overall, the energy shifted in the company and with it. Now, I have to say it shifted while we were playing this game. And just quickly, the game is, and it's an Abraham Hicks game called the prosperity game, right? But we started at $10,000 we had this one huge spreadsheet that everybody would focus on, what they would spend. Started at 10,000 everybody what would you spend $10,000 on in the business tomorrow? It's $11,000 what would you spend it on $12,000 the next day? And so we went. So during the time that we were playing. This, the energy really did shift, right? But it was within nine months of bringing this into the company that someone came knocking on our after five years of trying to find this, someone came knocking on our door and said, we've heard about your software and we want to buy you out, lock, stock and barrel. Boom, oh my gosh. And, you know, we went from practically living no paycheck to no paycheck because we were trying to pay our staff right to selling that business for a very hefty sum of money. And when that company legally changed hands, we were in the grenadine islands on a 42 foot catamaran, island hopping with friends. That is the power of inner guidance and law of attraction. My life has never been the same sin, right? I that that was the thing that finally, now I know it, right, and so, and that was at this point, was when I really said, you know, I got to get out of high tech and into high people. That was just my mantra. I did not want to be in the computer industry because I had come from IBM before this, and it was just like, No, I've had enough. Yeah. So I now understand law of attraction. I had this experience and I went, This is what I want to teach people. People need to understand that it doesn't matter what your background is, it doesn't matter what your education is, what your culture is, it has no bearing on how old you are. Every moment is a new beginning. Oh, my God. And I this was the thing. Now, I thought, Okay, well, how am I going to do that? It's good. I guess I'll just do seminars, workshops, right? And I had my first workshop, which I I worked with someone else on that that was actually theirs, and they asked me to come in and speak, and it was fabulous, and so much fun. And then on Sunday, everybody went home, and I felt like emptiness syndrome. What happens to these people? Where did they go? And so this is when I came back and I started writing. This is the power of journaling. This is the power of writing. And a process, another abraham hicks process, by the way, if you guys don't know Abraham Hicks, just go to YouTube at key it in. You will have, you will get so much of their stuff. It's unbelievable. But I started writing, and I said, so what I want is, I want to still be able to do this. I want it to be working on these kinds of things spirituality, and I want to be able to work with people and understand how do they take what they're learning, and how do they shift, and what happens to them? All right, the next weekend, I go to a Toastmasters workshop, by the way, had found a Toastmasters that was all about spirituality, four miles from my house. So I done that, and then they told me there was going to be a conference. I went in that conference, and the first breakout session I went into was this guy calling him, call it, talking about this thing called coaching. Oh my god, it's like the light bulbs went on, the fireworks went off. And I went, That's it. And I called him up and I said, I want to be what you are when I grow up. Now, I was 46 years old at the time, but I said, I want to be what you are when I grow up, and I want you to be my coach. And that was the start of my entire what I'm doing today, and I've been doing it for over two decades now, but it was that. It's that focusing and getting clear on what you want. Every every day, every moment, is a new beginning. And this whole power of writing, okay, journaling, writing, scripting, because when you write something that is your strongest point of focus. Now you can do it by imagining in your head, but you know, our thoughts get in the way. Things get in the way, and then we kind of go off on all these tangents. And so this is why I really feel like it's one of the most powerful things you can do for getting tapping into your inner guidance, getting clear on what you want, focusing on what it is you do want, getting into the energy of that. And now you're activating that and vibrationally and emotionally. And now, what are you attracting into your life? What you do want? So I'll shut up. Sorry. No.

Carla Salteris:

Oh my please. I mean, and you know, it's, it's so funny, because I you being a mentor for me, you really changed my life. And discovering, like, you know, wanting to share the passion for law of attraction, because we grow up and just don't realize that we've been following, following this default programming and just kind of like bumping into things and like without any power. And what I really want is for women to understand that they have power to create whatever they want absolutely. And it's like anything you want, we just need to focus on it and learn how to train our brains to actually do it absolutely. So, oh my gosh, I love that story that is like, just amazing, you know. So, speaking of that. Many women, you know, in midlife, they feel this deep stirring for change, but often we struggle to define exactly what we want. Can you talk about like, how do you really tune into that wisdom you talked about journaling, you know, especially now where, like many of the kids might have grown up, we have aging parents. We've been taking care of everybody and trying to juggle that, but really getting into our own knowing and one, totally,

Eva Gregory:

totally Well, here's the thing I have learned, we do not know as well as our inner, inner guidance, by the way, is my inner, our higher selves. We're tapping into our higher selves. It's the greater, broader, wiser, all knowing aspect of ourself. We don't know as well as our inner guidance knows what we want, alright, but what we do understand is we've got that level. We have desires. So the first thing you want to do is check, just tap into your desires. Your desires are coming from your inner guidance. We don't wake up in the morning say, What would I like to desire today? We don't do that. The desires come from the core of who we are. And so you want to pay attention to that. What happens is we get in our heads and we go, oh, but you know, I'm 46 who am I to think I can start, you know, doing something brand new, or or even if it was 76 it doesn't matter, right? And so then we get in the way, but understand that the desires are our inner guidance. So trust that. And of course, where do most desires start out of the contrast? It starts out of what we don't want. I'm here. I am. I'm feel like, you know, what do we what is it that I want? The kids are gone? I feel like there's what value do I have? You have tons of value just by being you, first of all. But secondly is that that contrast is like now it's creating that that level of desire that you want. And so use the contrast the way it was meant to be. The contrast is for you to use it as a jumping off point to ask yourself, then what is it I do want? Right? And now you put your full focus on that desire instead of the contrast. Because what we typically do is we focus on the contrast, and we keep focused on it, and we talk about it versus the desire I have is this. And now let's focus, focus on the desire, okay, that that is the difference. We are meant to be visionaries of what's wanted, not observers of what is observing. When we observe that is observing the past, everything that we have manifest. It's already manifest, which means it's coming from the past. So if we put our focus on the vision of what we want, and now activate the feeling, the emotional charge around that, now you are creating a very near future that is different than it was just a few minutes ago, when you were focused on the contrast. Does that make sense? Oh,

Carla Salteris:

my God. And it's like, you know, you keep getting it. The fun thing about it is you keep getting on different levels. It's like, you never stop getting the depth. Oh, totally. It's like, it just keeps coming different, like, you just start noticing it, like, Oh, I did that. And then not beating yourself up about it. That's the biggest thing is like, you know, it's like shame and guilt and all these things get triggered because we're these little kids inside thinking that, you know, all these past experiences. But if you can wipe that clean and start fresh, it's like the world is your oyster.

Eva Gregory:

Absolutely every moment is a new beginning. Write that down. People write it down. Every moment is a new beginning.

Carla Salteris:

I love what you say, Eva. You say, everything is liquid and that is hungry. So much. Oh, my gosh. Oh, I can, like, be gentle with myself. If you can, like, get out of your head. It's like, amazing,

Eva Gregory:

ye s, yes, yes, absolutely. Okay.

Carla Salteris:

So, you know, speaking of that, we find ourselves in our 40s and 50s, like women were stuck in these patterns. I don't know if it could be about love. It could it be, you know, health, it could be longevity, prosperity, creating a free you know, freedom, lifestyle like things are stirring. People are retired, thinking about retirement, starting something new, right? You know, things plateau. You may you know, there's jobs might be coming to an end. They might be having relationship challenges. In your work, you emphasize the important on focusing on what's possible rather than what currently exists. And we touched on that a little bit. Yeah. Why is this shift so, you know, in perspective so crucial, and how do you keep presencing it to go from the old default way of, you know, thinking to like, rewriting your midlife story? Story. How do you do that?

Eva Gregory:

Yeah, I mean, so that's, that is what we were talking about, right? But it all, this all comes back down to what I call energy alignment. All right, align your energy with what you want. How do you know you're aligned? And by the way, when your energy is aligned, you are tapped into your inner guidance. You are tapped into the the higher your higher self, and trust that follow that. And that's what energy alignment. Energy alignment feels good. It comes down to one thing, how does it feel? How does it feel? And if it feels good, follow it okay. And so defining what it is that you want to experience, and then you practice the thought of what that's like, and you just keep focusing on envisioning it, because then what happens is, there's this thing. You know, that's why repetition is so powerful, because you become familiar something that was feeling not familiar, the vision of what could be possible. But you keep thinking about it and talking about that's why affirmations can be so good, but you feel it, and then it becomes more familiar. And the more familiar it comes, the more you get vibrationally aligned with that. And the more vibrationally aligned now it begins to come in. Now, the one I teach, and Carla is very familiar with this, is that everything starts in what I call the quantum field. Okay, it starts as energy first, and so as when we're focusing on our vision of what we want, and it becomes familiar, that's when it starts to coalesce into physical manifestation, okay? And that, the more that we get into that place, the familiarity and then we believe, we start to believe something that maybe we didn't believe before can be possible, and that is when the most amazing things can happen. And so that, once again, is the repetition, the journaling, the scripting. I'm such a huge proponent of writing it out and getting very focused. And that way you can go back and read, because here's, here's the other thing, you can put things down, also your I love the words not coming to me. Evidence log, your evidence log. So everything that is working, you know, writing that down, okay. And then when you get off, something feels off, or you've kind of, you know, not feeling good, you can go back and read what you had written, where, if we'd just been thinking about it, we're not in a place to access it anymore when we're kind of off kilter. But you can go back and you can read that, and it will bring you right back into alignment again. I

Carla Salteris:

love that. That is so good. And it's like just noticing the little evidences like, you know, it's easy to believe, like, I'm going to find a great parking space. That's actually really easy to like, check out, right? Like, and it's like, and then it happens, you know, like, evidence, evidence, you know, or I wanted this, and then out of the blue, somebody called me evidence. Like, keeping a log is real. That's awesome, because there's a reminder. We're retraining ourselves Absolutely,

Eva Gregory:

getting better and better. Yeah, like

Carla Salteris:

50 years of the other training and so, like, it's like, I love it. So for women who have spent decades taking care of others and connecting with with their own source energy might feel foreign. Yeah, we're just talking we've got so much other training. How can they begin to recognize and trust their alignment with this inner power?

Eva Gregory:

First thing you gotta remember, we are extensions of source energy, and we don't think about that. Some people may be going, What are you talking about, right? We are, we are literally extensions of source energy. We are a part of Source Energy, okay? And we have a lot more access to it than we know. But where's that access come when we are aligned, right? When we're in that place of feeling good, it's the greater part of us. It's the higher self, it's our that's the inner guidance that it's not in the physical body. Even though we're in a physical body, there is more of us that is non physical than is physical, believe it or not. But we're so in this physical illusion, really, but this physical environment that we feel that this is more important and it's not. This is created from that, okay, so that non physical part of you, when you launch a desire, and then that desire radiates and you give it attention, that again, that's your inner guidance. You've got to trust if it feels good in that way. You know one of the things is always, follow your inspiration. Follow your excitement. Follow your inspiration. Inspired in spirit. Okay, so follow the inspiration. Don't let your great. You know, we talk about two things I do, the Gremlin and the guidance, right? Devil and the angel. So we got the Gremlin on one shoulder, we got guidance on the other, and our guidance is the. The inspiration and the excitement about something, then the Gremlin comes in. Who do you think you are to be able to do this? You know, all of that self critic, so make sure that you're trusting what feels best, rather than listening to the guidance in your I mean, the Gremlin in your head, like your brain. Your brain is a little trickster, but your heart, which is where the guidance comes in. It never lies, never lies.

Carla Salteris:

I love this because, you know, and and looking at all the indigenous medicine, they always connected the brain to the mind, the mind to the heart, right? Chinese medicine, medicine, you know, it's like your mind was working all day, and then, like birds, they circle, and then they rest in your heart. It's the heart mind, you know. And it's like, if you can imagine that I love, you know, when you can start feeling into your heart like, you know, you really taught me how to do in a different way. It's like you can start to feel the energy. It's like it becomes alive, and like it's so much easier to, you know, notice when you're feeling good, when something feels off, because we're kind of reacting to the world and conditions, but when you get more, you know, confident and feeling the energy, it's easier to just be loving and turn the other cheek, or, you know, where that is exactly. And it's so freeing. It's so freeing when you like, tap into that absolutely so another question, so our Listen, our listeners You know often find themselves dwelling on what's not working in their lives, like whether it's health issues, relationship challenges, maybe they're looking you know, they've been single a long time, or career transitions. What wisdom can you share about moving from problem focus to solution focus in midlife? That's

Eva Gregory:

really good. Here's the thing, with every particle of a problem that comes into being, the solution comes into being at the same time there is. There's not one issue, challenge or problem that ever comes up that the solution is not already there. All right, so if we've got a problem, understand, there's a solution. What are you focused on? Right? So are you going to go toward the solution, or are you still defending or justifying the solution by hammering away on the issue? All right? There are two different vibrational frequencies, right? My god, yes, so and so, that's why you know that whole saying that the problem can't be solved at the level, or, I forget what, but the problem can't be solved at the level it was created, or something like that. Oh, wish I could remember anyway. But the point is, if we're focused on the problem vibrationally, we can't access the solution, all right, but when you've launched the solution, because, by the way, the solution is there because you have activated the prop a problem, right? Then you can move right to the solution, but you've got to focus. Okay, here's the problem. Now, once again, if you want to bring it back to simplicity, what do I want? Right? And so you start to focus there. So just pay attention to what are you giving your attention to? The solution. I mean the problem, or looking for a solution. You might not have the answer to the solution right now, but you got to look towards a solution. All right. So what's active in you, and how are you fostering that point of attraction? Because either way you're attracting, right?

Carla Salteris:

It's so huge. It's so huge. It's like, and a lot of times it's like, like, allowing yourself to even want it, you know, we're so used to not, you know, and then and trusting it, but like, and we're so used to like, even as mothers or caretakers. Like, it's like, you want to immediately fix this problem, like wrestle it to the ground and kill it, which obviously does, you know, and all that doing, doing, doing, yeah, you know. And we're always dealing with different situations, but it's like when you just kind of like, let it come to you, you keep your peace, you keep loving, you keep, you know, reminding, but it's like it's got to come from you to access that kind of power, you know, that spiritual power, right? It's, you know, we're always dealing with stuff. I'm thinking of something I'm dealing with, like, right now. It's like, it's, it's like, and then when you embrace, like, the contrast and the it's like, the solution can come if you embrace it. But it's like, as soon as you're like, resistant, it just becomes a bigger ball, a bigger problem. People are waiting. Things are, you know, it's like, it's just scattered energy. But if you bring it back and just kind of like, let it come to you, yeah, you know, you just

Eva Gregory:

gotta, you know, my whole thing is like, relax and allow. Wow, rather than forcing and efforting, right, we don't, instead of going out for it, relax and allow and that does mean we we have to focus on how we want to feel and what, what's the outcome. You might not, not have to have the how yet, but you know the outcome that you want okay, and how you want to feel. You know, it all comes down to that, right so right now, how do I want to feel? If you ever get stuck about what to focus on, what questions to ask, just bring it back to that one question, because that will completely automatically turn you around to focusing on what's wanted, because nobody ever says, How do I want to feel? I want to feel bad, I want to feel scared, I want to feel anxious. I want to feel angry. No, we want I want to feel better. I want to feel confident. I want to feel free. I want to feel at peace. So it automatically turns you around vibrationally to lead you back up that vibrational scale. So how do I want to feel? That's a great one to journal on, by the way, when you don't know what else to do, how do I want to feel right about that? Right? Yes,

Carla Salteris:

I love that. I love it. Well, I mean, there's so much I want to talk to you about and but I think that for the viewers, this is like a really good place to start. And you know, it really applies to any area of life. And you know, you really do get to rewrite it any way that you want. You know, everything is possible. And I just really want to bring, I love bringing that into the conversation with you, Eva, because your energy is all about possibility and

Eva Gregory:

unconditional love. Let me just share quickly. Yes, I do have a little free something for them. Oh, my God, you have a gift. I do. I do and, and what I've got, uh, for all of your listeners, and it's called, discover how to journal your way to the life and business of your dreams. Okay? And it's talking about the whole journaling like as this is a path to aligning your thoughts and your energy and your actions and with the right tools and the right guidance, this is where you uncover the insights and you can solve your challenges, and you can finally step into a reality and an experience and a life that you really do want, no matter what has happened up to now. I mean, it will level the playing field for you. So that's what I have for you. It is not the journal, it's the power of journaling, and it gives you all the steps for the techniques to organize your thoughts and gain clarity and tackle those challenges if you've got them, okay, so use this but then you go out and you find yourself a beautiful journal, something that feels really good to you. And then use this guide basically for really having a really powerful journaling experience.

Carla Salteris:

Oh, my God, thank you for that. That is so awesome. I can't wait to crack that open and start working myself. There you go. Thank you so much, so much for coming and joining me today.

Eva Gregory:

Well, thank you for having me. You know, you know we could talk about this for hours and hours, though. Yes,

Carla Salteris:

absolutely. And I'd love to have you back again sometime, by the way.

Eva Gregory:

Oh, that would be awesome.

Carla Salteris:

Yeah. All right. Well, thank you so much, and thank you listeners, and we will see you next time.

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