Discover how to raise your energetic frequency, align with your true desires, and take quantum leaps toward a fulfilling life. Hosted by Carla Salteris, this high-vibe podcast offers transformative tools, inspiring stories, and fun conversations to help you manifest health, love, and prosperity.
Welcome to the Midlife Rewrite. I'm Carla Salteris, your high vibe life mentor. Who I am is a healer with 23 plus years of experience in transformational coaching, various healing modalities. I was an acupuncturist for many years, I was a shiatsu, an Asian body work therapist. I've been working with energy and helping people heal and transform and move through their past, which they're holding in their body, in their mind, in their soul, and just moving that through so that they can become the match to what they want in their life, their dream life. It can be health, it can be love, it can be prosperity. It can be a new purpose in life. I want you to have the desires that you are worthy of having. And as a healer, we have a different insight and can accelerate that learning for you, you know, having the experiences and hearing from other healers, you're just going to be inspired and flooded with your own healing, your own journey, your own how tos and my hope for you, my vision for you, is that you quantum leap that healing, and it's a never ending journey, right? There's always things that come up in life, but I want you to be able to heal yourself and quantum leap that with the help of a mentor, with the help of hearing it from others and not having to repeat it all yourself, because you really do have everything you need in your body. Your physical body has its own pharmacy. Your mind is full of possibility based on the thoughts that you think, the emotions that you feel and generate, and then the belief patterns, ultimately that you move through the world with. It is an energetic frequency that you're offering in any given moment, and it is constantly evolving. So I want you to own that power, and I want you to just let that life come to you. That's my wish for you, and I hope that you'll join and listen to all of the juicy conversations we're about to have. I have so many people on my list that I want to bring on the show. We're gonna have a lot of fun. That's the most important part. And you're just gonna get gold from these conversations. I just I'm so excited. I'm so excited just to be able to share it with you. So tune in and raise your vibe so you can manifest your dream life. See on the inside you.